Craig Dahlgren, PhD

Dr. Craig Dahlgren is a marine ecologist who studies a wide range of topics related to tropical marine ecosystems. His work includes studies of mangrove and coral reef ecosystems, efficacy of marine protected areas, and population dynamics of fishery species ranging from traditional Caribbean fishery species like Nassau grouper and Caribbean spiny lobster to emerging fisheries like sea cucumbers, parrotfish, sponges and gorgonians. This work has led to dozens of peer reviewed publications and has influenced marine resource management and policy in The Bahamas, Mesoamerican reef and throughout the wider Caribbean region. At present his work focuses on improving management of and expanding the network of marine protected areas in The Bahamas and elsewhere; the restoration of coral reef and mangrove ecosystems, and improved fishery management for traditional and emerging fishery species in The Bahamas and elsewhere.



We create and manage coral restoration practices within organizations and businesses throughout The Bahamas and the Caribbean. Our goal is to help organizations and businesses see how coral restoration benefits the educational, recreational, economic and scientific agendas of the entire region.