Andrew Baker, PhD

Andrew Baker is a professor at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. His research focuses on coral reefs and climate change and the development and testing of interventions to increase the thermal tolerance of corals for restoration efforts. Current projects include algal symbiont manipulations, stress hardening, managed relocation, and managed breeding (using genetic stock from Florida and The Bahamas). Andrew previously worked for the Wildlife Conservation Society in New York, based at Columbia University, where he was adjunct faculty. He has a bachelor’s degree from Cambridge University, a doctorate from the University of Miami, and is a former Fulbright scholar, fellow of the Explorers Club, and Inventor-in-Residence at the Frost Museum of Science. Andrew recently served on the US National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Interventions to Increase the Persistence and Resilience of Coral Reefs.



We create and manage coral restoration practices within organizations and businesses throughout The Bahamas and the Caribbean. Our goal is to help organizations and businesses see how coral restoration benefits the educational, recreational, economic and scientific agendas of the entire region.