Urgent: Train Bahamian Youth to Restore Coral

Join us in making a profound difference in The Bahamas, where the vitality of coral reefs hangs in the balance. Our latest campaign in partnership with Global Giving, presents an unparalleled opportunity to restore coral reefs and bolster the communities that rely on them educating students in conservation. For every contribution you make to coral restoration in The Bahamas, Global Giving will amplify your impact by adding an additional 50%, making your generosity go even further. Help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 USD. Together, we can forge a legacy of regeneration and resilience. 
Read more about our project below and to donate through Global Giving, click here


We’re aiming to raise $10,000 USD to train 100 Bahamian middle and high school students in coral restoration and scuba diving, equipping them to carve out meaningful careers while championing the preservation of marine life. By investing in local education and capacity-building, we not only protect the delicate balance of coral reefs, but also support the resilience and livelihoods of island communities dependent on a healthy ocean.


In The Bahamas, coral reefs face severe threats from climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Up to 80% of Caribbean coral reefs have already been lost. These reefs are crucial for local fisher’s livelihoods, tourism revenue, and coastal protection, making coastal communities increasingly vulnerable. This project trains 100 Bahamian students in coral restoration and diving, laying the groundwork for conservation careers and benefiting both the reefs and the communities that depend on them.


This project will provide comprehensive training in coral restoration and scuba diving to 100 Bahamian youth, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to become stewards of their marine environment. Beyond conservation efforts, local students will gain expertise to pursue careers in environmental conservation, helping to ensure the long-term health of marine ecosystems.

Long-Term Impact

This project will train 100 Bahamian students in coral restoration and scuba diving, paving the way for lifelong careers in environmental conservation. By empowering locals with expertise in marine conservation, we’re not only nurturing coral reefs but also cultivating stronger, more resilient coastal communities, effectively tending to two vital aspects of ocean health.coral re

One of our students helps maintain one of our coral nurseries near New Providence, The Bahamas.
Students snorkeling and discovering the underwater world of coral reefs.
Dive deeper.

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